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History of the Public Schools


Fort Dodge has a long history of education. Parochial schools played a significant role in Fort Dodge education beginning in the 1860’s.

Arey Elementary School


The first Arey School was built between 1889 and 1890. It was named for Melvin F. Arey who was superintendent of schools at the time. This first building had only four rooms. 

Butler School


Butler School began in a rented house on south Twenty-second street in 1906. The school board rented a one-room house, and three grades were taught in it.

Carpenter Elementary School


Carpenter School has the honor of being named for ex-governor Cyrus Clay Carpenter, the teacher of the first public school in Fort Dodge.

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Community Christian School


Giving the Fort Dodge area an option for Christian-based, protestant education, Community Christian School has a history of providing high quality educational services in the Fort Dodge area since 1978.

Duncombe School


When the land for Duncombe School was purchased, it was a truck garden planted with corn. There were only two or three houses to the north of the school and none to the east. So the school was practically out in the country.

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Fort Dodge High School


By 1868 the ever increasing school population of Fort Dodge had outgrown three upgraded buildings. So in that year bonds were issued, and a new twelve-room school house was started. It was ready for the school year in September, 1869.

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Fort Dodge Junior College/Iowa Central Community College


In 1921 the Fort Dodge School system added advanced courses beyond the regular four year high school program as the first step toward the establishment of a junior college, a new educational concept of the times.

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Fort Dodge Junior High


The Junior High was organized in 1922 in the old Senior High Building when the new senior high building was completed in that year, and the four upper grades were transferred there.

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Hawley School


Hawley School has one of the most beautiful settings in Fort Dodge. It is situated in the northwest part of the city on a lovely ridge called Round Prairie. There are still many virgin trees around to add to the pleasant environment.

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Lincoln School


Lincoln School is the oldest of the school buildings in this city. In 1868, many students came into Fort Dodge. The school board saw a need for more room, so the first brick school building in Fort Dodge was completed on Lincoln School grounds.

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Pleasant Valley School


The citizens of the district of Pleasant Valley were given the privilege of choosing a name for their new school building. They chose the name, “Pleasant Valley”, because it describes the valley well, and because they hoped the school might be a pleasant place for everyone who worked there.

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Presbyterian College


This school offered college preparatory courses, a traditional liberal arts program and a commercial program.  It was very innovative for its time because it offered individualized instruction, night courses and simulated model banking and retailing experiences.  It also had music, art, debate and speech.  Its enrollment peaked at 95 students.

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Riverside School


This school offered college preparatory courses, a traditional liberal arts program and a commercial program.  It was very innovative for its time because it offered individualized instruction, night courses and simulated model banking and retailing experiences.  It also had music, art, debate and speech.  Its enrollment peaked at 95 students.

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St. Edmond's Catholic School

Saint Edmond High School saw 69 students graduate from its first Class in 1956. The school showed great growth, with peak enrollment of 700 students, 9th thru 12th grades, in 1969.

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St. Paul Lutheran School


While valuing its Lutheran heritage where students are daily in God’s Word, the school continues to value the partnership between church, school, and family, just as its pioneers leaders did over 150 years ago.

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Wahkonsa School


The location of Wahkonsa School has a great deal of historical interest connected with it. The plot on which the school is built was the site of the old military post from which Fort Dodge had its beginning.

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Tobin College


The new college began without a name. A week or so after it opened, Professor Tobin was invited by some friends to spend the day in the woods. While he was gone, the teachers and students took matters into their own hands, called a meeting, and by a unanimous vote, christened the new college, "Tobin," in recognition of the work he had done for the cause of education through the founding of so many colleges.

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